School Rules

Jim Rohn mentioned that “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment”.

Discipline reflects the image of the School and brings out the best. So everybody needs to abide by the rules and regulations. Important rules to be followed are as follows: 

  1. Student must bring his/her diary, daily to School.
  2. Students must reach the School at least five minutes prior to the time of Assembly. School gate will open at 7:35 am.
  3. Students must be in proper uniform.
  4. Student must have a minimum attendance of 80% in order to be eligible for taking the final examination.
  5. Students are required to attend School on the last and the first working day of the  vacation.
  6. Short leave from School is to be avoided, unless it is Medical emergency with a written application from the parents.
  7. Parents should bring Parent Identity Card to pick up their ward from School.
  8. Students must wish every teacher and visitor to School. They must obey School Appointees, House Prefects, Class Monitors and Duty Students.
  9. Student should maintain his/her class room neat and tidy. Students must keep the campus clean and not litter it.
  10. School property is to be handled with care.
  11. The assigned Home Work should be completed on schedule. In the case of regular defaulters, marks may be deducted.
  12. The School observes Zero Tolerance for underage driving, cheating, stealing and lying.
  13. Students are strictly prohibited from carrying digital and electronic gadgets like mobile phones, music players, tablets, cameras etc. to School. Disciplinary action or the gadget will be confiscated, if found in possession of any Student.
  14. Use of unparliamentarily language, any form of harassment and violence of any form is not allowed in the School. Student found in any type of misconduct will be liable to a disciplinary action.