Executive Director’s Message
Air Force School Gurgaon, founded in 1976 has evolved into an institution rich in its heritage and legacy. We’re proud to have a student community, spread far and wide across the country, who has contributed to the society, successful and competent, in various walks of life. In true spirit of our mission statement, we have over the last many decades striven to help our students to become responsible, harmonious and integrated individuals through our ever evolving curricular and co-curricular activities. The beautiful state of art infrastructure is an added attraction where safety and comfort of the child is our priority.
In midst of developing township of Gurugram, this lush green arena of our learning space encourages our students to be creative and confident and learn through collaboration. A positive and progressive outlook, an underlying strength and dynamism are the hallmark of a vibrant educational institution.
Our motto, WE DREAM WE DARE, is so dynamic in its essence that it is highly relevant irrespective of the changing times. Our objective is to empower our students with cognitive flexibility, problem solving and EQ skills. Our significant partnership with parents has helped us in this endeavour and we are truly obliged to them. In future, we will continue to put in our best foot forward for overall development of teacher-student community at Air Force School Gurgaon.