Rules for Admission

  1. Parents/Guardians are requested to fill the Admission Form accurately.
  2. No subsequent changes for any reason will be permitted.
  3. A student who has attended a Recognized School will not be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the previous School.
  4. Admission will be granted as per guidelines in Education Code 2020.
  5. The School reserves the right to increase fees at any time during academic year.
  6. School dues must be cleared before appearing in the Final Examination

Fee Rules

  1. Fee is collected through online mode through portal.
  1. Fee will be taken quarterly in April, July, October and January and 10th of these months be considered the last date for fee deposition. Failing which a late fee @ Rs.5/- per day will be levied.
  2. Non payment of School dues for more than two months shall necessitate removal of the pupil from roll and the students may be re-admitted on the payment of re-admission fee.

Rules Governing Withdrawal of Pupil from the School

  1. One calendar month’s notice “in writing” is required from the Parent/Guardian before withdrawing a child from School. Verbal messages are not acceptable. In case, no written notice is received, then one month’s fee in lieu will be deducted from the Security Deposit.
  2. School Leaving Certificate will not be issued until all School dues have been settled